You can’t just make a product listing on Amazon, send some inventory to FBA and expect to sell millions.
You’ll be very disappointed and be wondering what all the ‘Amazon fuss’ is about.
Unless you have something completely unique, EVERY product needs to be launched.
There’s a process that’s been proven again and again and again. If it ain’t broke, don’t try and fix it.
These are the basic steps:
- Have an amazing product
- Make an Amazon product listing for it
- Find the keywords/phrases that show intent and have volume (I use Helium 10’s Cerebro – it’s a total and utter game-changer)
- Optimise your listing; Title, Bullets, Description, quality IMAGES (images make you the money).
- If you have a trademark, get brand registered with Amazon and use the enhanced brand content for your listings as well as access the early reviewer program
- Generate some discount codes, get them into the hands of Amazon customers on Facebook and launch using a 2 step storefront URL!
- Run PPC, hard.
In today’s episode, I discuss how we took a client’s product which was lucky to sell 2 – 3 units a week, to 30 UNITS A DAY in just 8 short days with 1 (one) REVIEW.
I talk about how I used Helium 10’s Cerebro tool to uncover which keywords and phrases to use, so we knew exactly what to rank for AND exactly how many units we needed to discount over 8 days during launch (Cerebro unearthed keywords that we hadn’t even considered and helped us to make a S#*T tonne more sales – I SO need to become a Helium 10 affiliate!)
I explain what we did to the Hero image to make it stand out like a sore thumb in the search results and compel potential customers to click through to take a look.
At $20 a unit, the product is 2 x (2 times) the price of most competitors on Page 1 and it’s still selling like crazy (TIP: you don’t need to be the cheapest to succeed. There’s something to be said for being, ‘reassuringly expensive’).
The brand is unknown and the product is up against major household brands in the USA. Digitally native brands on Amazon can crush established competitors.
Be ‘digitally native’.
My client knew we had to go into the red to get into the black – Any VC will tell you, they invest in loss-making ventures with an expectation of future returns. Launching products on Amazon is the same.
You have to have long-term goals.
You have to be prepared to lose money in the short term to make it back 20x, 30x later.
3 weeks into the launch the product only has 4 reviews, it’s still selling like hotcakes and the organic ranking is increasing.
I explain how I created links for customers to cut and paste so they could see demonstration videos of the product (why is no-one doing this?). I know it works because customers talk about how they watched the videos in their 5 star reviews!
The best bit?
We did all this from the comfort of our living rooms, right here in Melbourne, Australia. Half a world away.
The client is now opening the doors for us to launch his entire range of products.
In 12 months time, this small and innovative Australian company will be making an additional $1 Million USD – I can almost guarantee it.
One thing I don’t tell you in the episode is what the product actually is…
If you register for my upcoming webinar on Wednesday the 28th March 2018 at 9.00pm, I’m going to reveal what the product is so you can see this case study completely laid bare.
My client has kindly given permission for me to show you the product, the process and the results.
You’d be crazy to miss this.
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